Welcome. Sorry for the inactivity.
posted by KoRoRi on 01-23-2025

Welcome to my work in progress.


Welcome to my New website
posted by KoRoRi on 07-13-2015

I am currently updating portions of this site I have posted links to my apps/maps below. This site is being redone from the ground up. All the coding and the template I made from scratch.

Things left:
Game layout with Pagin
Program layout with pagin

Add Freelance to DB

Add Registration
My Messages
Edit My Profile

Upload Verification

Download Manager

A few other things on that list too


Getting in the Season
posted by KoRoRi on 03-07-2012

I have not forgotten about this website. I am still working on it. I lost all my latest updates when my jump drive decided to fail. But I was able to add a few more things. I still do not have registration open. But did fix some issues with user items. I also added a Halloween Background Theme to get into the season a bit. I know it isn't perfect. I didn't make it. But I will continue to update this site Slowly. I am extremely busy. I currently have 3 projects in Counter strike Source (Source Pawn), Several freelance jobs, School, Work, ect. But I am hopeful in getting most of it up by the end of the year.


Happy Birthday Sailor Moon
posted by KoRoRi on 03-07-2012

[quote from tokyopop]
Happy birthday to one of the classiest ladies we know -- Sailor Moon! The anime icon made her anime debut twenty years ago today on March 7, 1992. We think she's aged rather well

I cant believe its already been 20 years. I remember watching this as a kid. Now I read the mangas. But you cannot mess with this classic it earned its respect and this Birthday.

The Retrode
posted by KoRoRi on 01-27-2012

For those who dont know their is a new retro device called the retrode.


This allows you to play SNES/SFC/Genesis/MasterDrive games with the original controller on your pc/mac/linux/wii(modded)/ps3(modded).

It treats your game as a thumb drive and you use an emulator to play it.

I know most are saying why... I can just download the rom. Well that is illegal. Others say well I also own the physical cartridge. That too is still illegal b/c its not a copy from the cartridge. It was from a third party vender.

I am big on gaming and this to me is the best way to do it legally.
